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Back to Our Roots

(preparing people)

FireKeepers International is committed to helping preserve First Nations and Appalachian heritage life skills through public education in efforts to revitalize and safeguard indigenous and family homesteading traditions.


This includes but is not limited to teaching heritage life skills - natural medicine and foraging, living and surviving off the land, sustainable food production, and more.

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Disaster relief

(helping people)

During disaster times, we provide aid and relief as experienced and trained disaster relief workers. (Currently operational)


During non-emergency times, aid individuals and families in need (Currently development is paused, as we are in disaster relief mode).

Cultural Bridge Building

We are a Zionist organization, supporting the Jewish people and Israel's right to exist and defend herself. In a worldwide climate of antisemitism, we are partnering with Jewish populations at high risk of victimization & violence to aid in resiliency, education, and affirmation in their indigeneity to the Holy Land. We enjoy sharing the beauty of our indigenous cultures, traditions, stories, knowledge, resources, and goodwill.

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Mission: FireKeepers International prepares people for hard times and helps people through hard times.


Vision: We envision people living without fear of hard circumstances, being fully equipped with knowledge, counsel, and provision.


FireKeepers International
PO Box 10

Mohawk, TN 37810

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© 2005-2023 FireKeepers International - As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, donations to FKI are tax-exempt, and FKI complies with all 501(c)(3) rules and regulations. The irs tells us to make sure to note that we reserve the right to re-allocate funds and/or use them how we best see fit. FireKeepers International is run by a national board of directors, filing all appropriate government documents for legal existence.

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